Scientists are invited to submit papers following our author guidelines. Each paper should consist of a minimum of 5 pages and a maximum of 8 pages (excluding biographies, references and appendix). For more information on the requirements, please see our template, which you can download from your profile. For the camera-ready paper, authors are requested to submit the final manuscript along with the source files and figures, already formatted in the provided conference template according to author guidelines. All submitted papers are subject to our publication ethics and malpractice statement, which can be found here.

All accepted papers are published with open access by publish-Ing. in cooperation with the Leibniz Information Center for Engineering and Information Technology and University Library (TIB), the world’s largest library for engineering and natural sciences. For a clear assignability, all contributions will be provided with an ISSN and an individual DOI for each paper. In addition, the proceedings are archived for an unlimited period of time and can be accessed worldwide with open access at any time. This means that all publications are accessible without financial, legal or technical barriers, i.e. anyone can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search and research the information or use it in education or in any other way within the legal agreements.

All accepted papers are published by our publishing partner publish-Ing. A scientific publisher focused on open access publication of scientific papers such as conference proceedings. Publish-Ing offers publishing services for all scientific papers with no deadlines, a fast review process, and a wide selection of review options (1-4x double or single blind) not only in combination with the conference but also for their Journals. With a constantly expanding review committee publish-Ing is able to review papers from many scientific areas. Learn more about this service here.


Abstract Submission
Full Paper Submission


Early Bird (from 15.11.24)









Regular (from 17.01.25)









Late (from 12.02.25 until 07.03.25)









**Participants will present their paper in online sessions. It is targeted but cannot be guaranteed that the presentations presented on-site will be streamed online and will be available accordingly for online attendees.


In order to ensure a high scientific quality the CPSL uses a new Peer-Review System, which has the benefits that all researchers can have an impact on the contributions while a baseline standard is set by an established institution. All submitted papers will be reviewed in a two-stage peer review process by experienced scientists of cooperating research institutes (level 1) as well as authors of other submitted papers (level 2). This ensures a consistent quality of the papers and reviews according to demanding standards through the first step as well as an influence of all participants on the quality of the papers through the second step. Therefore, each participant commits himself to review a paper by another author according to defined criteria and to form an expert opinion. All reviews are monitored by the editors to ensure the high quality of the papers and reviews.

Pre Review
Double Peer Review


As the author of the submitted paper, it is your responsibility to ensure that the paper contains both a technically and grammatically correct content. Authors are required to write their papers in the format specified in the submission template. All papers should be written in good English and the general good practice for scientific papers must be obeyed (e.g., ELSEVIER, DFG, Deutscher Hochschulverband). This is the responsibility of the authors, not the editors. Work below the standard will be returned to the authors for rewriting and may be rejected for this reason alone. Mathematical formulas and equations must be presented professionally and in standard format. General format and style can be found in the provided submission template. For detailed information on creating mathematical formulas and equations, see the Word guidelines. In order for papers to be published via publish-Ing. and the Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology and University Library (TIB), the authors must transfer a right of use for their paper to the operators of publish-Ing. and the repository (Leibniz University Hanover and TIB) – for online provision on publish-Ing. and in the repository. All papers will be published under the Creative Commons licence: ,Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Germany’ (here). By submitting your paper, you agree to accept the license agreement or authorize the organizers of the conference to accept it for you. For more information, visit the TIB repository at


All papers will be subject of the 2 level peer-review process. For the level 1, all papers will be assigned to members of our Scientific committee for review according to their technical focus. As the author of a submitted paper, you will automatically also be included in level 2 of our peer-review process to review a paper by another author. For this purpose, you will receive an e-mail with the paper to be reviewed as well as brief instructions and further information no later than two weeks after the submission deadline. In parallel, another author will be asked to review your paper. After you have completed the review, it will be released by the editors and forwarded to the author. Please note that the reviews for your own paper will not be available until you have completed the review for the other author. You will be informed about the availability of your reviews via e-mail. If you have not been assigned a paper for review three weeks after the submission deadline, please contact the CPSL team.


Reviewers should evaluate the papers based on the manuscript’s merits. Age, race, colour, ethnicity, gender, religious beliefs, sexual orientation and institutional affiliation must not influence the review. The reviewers must complete their work within the timeframe set by the editor (see reviewers deadline). Reviewers must also refuse to review any manuscript for which they have a conflict of interest. Although a critical evaluation of the papers is appropriate, the reviewers should formulate their comments in a positive tone. The reviewer’s comments should be clear and recommend a particular course of action. The reviewers should pay particular attention to good practice in science and citation. In addition to their remarks, reviewers should make a general recommendation for rejection, revision and resubmission or acceptance. The content of contributions is confidential until the papers are officially published. Reviewers must refrain from seizing information in unpublished or rejected papers for their own purposes.


The editors’ task is to ensure that the necessary procedures are carried out and that the publishing processes are conscientiously followed. With the reviews produced per paper, editors receive guidance, but have full and final authority to decide whether a contribution is accepted or rejected. Nevertheless, it is the responsibility of authors and reviewers to ensure that all rules of good scientific practice are followed. Critical contributions are checked by the editors to the best of their knowledge and belief – in case of doubt, they are entitled to obtain a further, independent opinion in the form of a further review. Editors manage the communication with reviewers and authors as needed. The identity of the reviewer is not disclosed. The editor can accept a paper without request for changes, ask the authors to revise and resubmit the document, or reject the paper. The editors reserve the right to edit, refine, or expand all reviews as necessary in the interest of scientific practice.