Terms and Conditions

§ 1 General – Scope of Application

The following general terms and conditions apply to all contractual conditions between the users of www.cpsl-conference.com / the participants of the Conference on Production Systems and Logistics (CPSL) and the organizer of the CPSL which is the Institute for Production and Logistics Research GbR (hereinafter called IPLR). By submitting the completed registration form to create a user profile on the website, the user accepts the Terms and Conditions and confirms that he / she is entitled to do so.

§ 2 Registration / Registration Confirmation

(1) The registration for a specific event takes place online via the website of the conference. The registration for a specific event is made by paying the conference fee. The registration for a specific event will only be confirmed and legally binding upon receipt of written confirmation from the IPLR (via e-Mail). For each registration, all underlying General Terms and Conditions apply. (2) The IPLR may remove users at any time and without giving reasons, especially if they do not comply with their obligations.

§ 3 Conclusion of Contract

(1) Our offer on the platform does not represent a binding application for the conclusion of a purchase contract. Rather, it is a non-binding request to publish papers and take part at the specific event. (2) By clicking the button “Upload now" you submit a binding purchase offer (§ 145 BGB). (3) After receipt of the upload, you will receive an automatically generated email confirming that we have received your upload (confirmation of receipt). This confirmation of receipt represents the acceptance of your purchase offer. (4) If a user wants to publish a paper, he/she confirms by uploading that he/she is entitled to do so and that the upload / publication is made in agreement with all co-authors and institutes and no rights of third parties are violated. (5) By uploading a paper, the user grants the IPLR the right to use the name of the employer (institute) and its logo for enlisting it on the website and in representative presentations as published or cooperating institutions.

§ 4 Payment

(1) The participation fee must be paid before the conference according to the published registration deadlines. Travel and accommodation costs are not included. The fee includes the participation at the specific event, the catering during the specific event, the gala dinner at the specific event (provided a gala dinner is planned for the specific event) and the open access publication of the submitted paper (not for Listeners). All prices quoted are final prices excl. VAT.

(2) The payment is made alternatively via:

– Credit card – preferred

– Bank transfer (in advance) – If this payment method is chosen, we will provide you with our bank details in an official invoice. This payment method is to be chosen only if direct payment through our payment service provider is not possible under any circumstances. The payment deadline specified in the Invoice must be observed. If the payment deadline is exceeded, IPLR may adjust the Invoice amount especially if the deadline for a later registration deadline (Early Bird, Regular, Late) was exceeded according to the fee of the later deadline.

(3) Additional services, such as the publication of additional papers or additional participants at the gala dinner, can be booked with the CPSL team on request.

(4) If the payment of the amount due is not received within the set time limit (usually 14 days), IPLR is entitled to send a reminder or, if necessary, a formal warning.

§ 5 Compensation for Damages

(1) Our liability for damages, irrespective of the legal basis, in particular from impossibility, delay, defective or incorrect publication, infringement of the contract, breach of obligations in the case of contractual negotiations and tortious acts shall be in accordance with this section limited. This shall also apply insofar as the User requires replacement of useless expenditures instead of a claim for compensation. Insofar as the limitations on liability in this section do not interfere, we shall be liable for damages according to the statutory provisions. (2) We shall not be liable in the event of simple negligence on the part of our organs, legal representatives, employees, or other vicarious agents, insofar as this is not a violation of contractual obligations. (3) Insofar as we are liable for damages, this liability is limited to damages which we foresee at the conclusion of the contract as a possible consequence of a breach of contract or considering the circumstances which were known to us or which we should have anticipated with the application of customary diligence. Indirect damages and consequential damages are not substitutable. (4) The above exclusions and limitations of liability apply equally to the benefit of our bodies, legal representatives, employees, and other vicarious agents regarding their personal liability. (5) The limitations of liability in this section do not apply to liability for intent or gross negligence. (6) IPLR takes great care to protect personal data. In the unlikely event of a data leak (e.g., due to a hacker attack), IPLR assumes no liability.

§ 6 Withdrawl / Cancellation

The participant has the right to terminate the contract. Cancellation does not require any justification and must be made immediately by e-mail. If the Participant terminates the contract, the following reimbursement arrangements apply:

(1) Authors:

Registrations cancelled due to non-acceptance of a paper will be entitled to a refund of 70% of the registration fee paid.

Registrations cancelled more than 100 days prior to the event are entitled to a refund of 70% of the registration fee paid.

Registrations cancelled less than 100 days but more than 50 days prior to the event will be entitled to a refund of 30% of the registration fee paid.

Registrations cancelled less than 50 days prior to the event will not be eligible for a refund.

If the participant fails to register after receiving a paper acceptance following the review process, an administrative fee of 250 € will be charged. If the participant uploads the paper for publication via the platform www.publish-Ing.com no later than 4 weeks after the conference, the administrative fee can be credited to the costs. It is the responsibility of the user of the platform (the person uploading the paper) to indicate the credit before the official invoice is issued. Once an invoice has been created, the administrative fee cannot be considered anymore.

If the participant has requested an Invoice or has indicated to us in any other way that he/she wishes to attend the conference or publish his/her paper through the conference, and still fails to register, the participant will be charged the full “Late Registration Period" fees with a payment due date of 7 days from receipt of notification.

The cancellation policy no longer applies once the conference has started. Irrespective of the cancellation policy, the participant has the right to nominate a substitute participant to take his/her place at the conference for the presentation. Once the cancellation period has expired, no further cancellations will be possible, and the full participation fee will be charged.

(2) Non-Authors / Listeners:

Registrations cancelled more than 30 business days prior to the event will be entitled to a refund of the registration fee paid, less a 250 € administrative fee.

Cancellations within 30 business days of the event will not be eligible for a refund.

(3) Refunds will be made as follows:

The same credit / debit card will be refunded for payments made by credit or debit card. For all other payments, a bank transfer will be made to the account specified by the participant. For payments from abroad by bank transfer, the refund will be made by bank transfer and all bank charges will be charged to the participant.

§ 7 Effectiveness of the Contractual Provisions; Severability Clause

(1) The possible invalidity of one or more provisions of this contract shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. (2) An invalid or unenforceable provision shall be replaced by a valid and enforceable provision whose effect comes as close as possible to the economic objective which the contracting parties pursued with the invalid or unenforceable provision. The above provisions shall apply accordingly in the event that the contract proves to be incomplete.

§ 8 Jurisdiction – Applicable law

(1) Offenburg (Germany) shall be the court of jurisdiction for all disputes arising directly or indirectly from the business relationship between the IPLR and the User.

(2) The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply.

§ 9 Cancellation or Program changes by the Conference Organiser

The IPLR reserves the right to cancel conferences. This applies in particular if conducting the event does not seem responsible due to higher forces of nature. The decision on a cancellation is the exclusive responsibility of the IPLR. Participants will be informed immediately (by e-mail) in the event of program changes or cancellations. The IPLR will offer participants an alternative venue or date, if possible. If the conference must be cancelled for justifiable reasons, participants are not entitled to a refund of conference fees already paid. In addition, no other costs such as travel expenses, accommodation costs or lost working days that the participant may have incurred will be reimbursed. The IPLR reserves the right to make changes e.g., in the organization, personnel changes or invitations of speakers as well as changes in the planning of the conference.

The copyright for the entire contents of this website lies with the Institute for Production and Logistics Research GbR (IPLR GbR) – except for the copyright of the published papers, which is regulated in the open access license agreement (see Terms and Conditions §13.6)

§ 11 Accountability

All conferences are conducted with appropriate authorized speakers or authors and are carefully prepared and organized. All papers are carefully reviewed by appropriate authorized reviewers and are subject to further examination by the IPLR in random samples. The IPLR is not responsible for the topicality, correctness, or completeness of the contents or for the organization of the conference. Only the authors and the user who uploaded the paper are liable for the content of the papers. The IPLR is only liable for potential damages to third parties if intent or negligence can be proven and no legal provisions to the contrary exist. IPLR takes great care to protect personal data.

§ 12 Storage of Data

The IPLR treats personal data confidentially and uses the data only in the context of the legal data protection law. Personal data will only be stored by IPLR for the sole purpose of organizing the conference, publishing the uploaded papers and for future offers of IPLR. Each participant has the right to refuse the storage and future use of his/her personal data for unsolicited correspondence with the information material.

§ 13 Publication agreement

Publication agreement between the authors who publish at the Conference on Production Systems and Logistics (CPSL) and the Institute for Production and Logistics Research GbR (see imprint) (hereinafter called IPLR).

By accepting the terms and conditions, the authors agree to the following publication agreement, which in turn was also concluded between the IPLR and the Leibniz University Hanover (Welfengarten 1, 30167 Hannover) represented by the President, hereinafter referred to as LUH, and the German National Library of Science and Technology (Welfengarten 1B, 30167 Hannover) represented by the Director, hereinafter referred to as TIB. The Publishing is carried out by publish-Ing. and the TIB.

  1. Granting of rights:
    I (the author) grant the IPLR the non-exclusive right, for an unlimited period of time, to use the materials in their entirety or individual parts within the framework of their own services, offers, products or existing or future projects in which the IPLR is involved and to make them publicly available for download, permanently archive them, reproduce them, distribute them, edit them and use the adaptations for the above-mentioned purposes, regardless of the type of transmission technology or similar worldwide in data networks. The uploading of the document does not imply any claim to provision or archiving.
  2. Third party rights:
    I (the author) assure that no rights of third parties (e.g. co-authors, test persons, publishers, collecting societies, third-party funding providers) (e.g. copyrights, data protection) are infringed by the provision of the materials including all components (e.g. illustrations) and any additional material. I release the IPLR from all claims that third parties may make against them on the basis of their rights, insofar as I am responsible for this (including costs of legal proceedings). The IPLR is entitled to block access to a document if there are concrete indications of an infringement of the rights of third parties. The contracting parties undertake to inform each other immediately if third parties assert claims against them.
  3. Long-term archiving:
    I (the author) grant the IPLR the right to store the provided documents and the associated metadata, abstract and, if necessary, additional material in their long-term archive and, if required (e.g. migration, accessibility or better accessibility) to convert them into other electronic and physical formats.
  4. Metadata and abstract:
    I (the author) provide the IPLR with the metadata including the abstract of the document free of charge under the conditions of CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/).
  5. Transfer of the rights granted to third parties:
    The IPLR may transfer the rights granted by this contract in whole or in part to third parties and may grant other rights of use or permit the use thereof without the need for a separate consent (e.g. in order to be able to make use of the services of third parties for the above-mentioned purposes, within the framework of national collective orders, for the purpose of scientific networking or if another institution takes over the tasks of the IPLR on a permanent basis).
  6. Open Access License:
    I (the author) would like to grant users further rights and make my work (and any additional material) available to the public for an unlimited period of time under the following Creative Commons licence:
    Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Germany
    Link to summary and binding version of the license text:
  7. Text and data mining:
    The materials may be used by IPLR and the authorized users according to the following principles for the improvement of services, for the promotion of research, teaching and learning and for research purposes for text and data mining: Raw data may be extracted from the materials. Text and Data Mining may be performed on unmodified materials or raw data (including duplication, storage, processing, compilation of large data collections and extraction and analysis of substantial portions of the data). The raw data are research data and may be published in any form and medium under any license to ensure reproducibility and sustainability as long as the materials cannot be reconstructed in human readable form. The author must be referenced in an appropriate form.

§ 14 Upload of a Paper

By uploading a paper, the rights to publish the paper are transferred to the IPLR. According to the agreed license (see § 13 (6)), the author is entitled to publish the paper on other platforms (e.g., ResearchGate, institutional or other repositories, etc.) after publication on CPSL / publish-Ing. / TIB as long as the other platforms allow multiple publications and a clear reference is made to the initial publication via CPSL. The user confirms with the upload of the paper that he / she is entitled to do so and that no rights of third parties are violated. The responsibility for conflict-free publication lies with the user.

§ 15 Open Access Statement

IPLR is loyal to open access, permitting any users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of its articles and to use them for any other lawful purpose. All the articles published in our proceedings are free to access immediately from the date of publication. We do not charge any fees for any reader to download articles for their own scholarly use.

IPLR operates under the Creative Commons Licence stated in §13. All authors publishing with IPLR accept these as the terms of publication.

All accepted papers are published with open access by publish-Ing. in cooperation with the Leibniz Information Center for Engineering and Information Technology and University Library (TIB), the world’s largest library for engineering and natural sciences. For a clear assignability, all contributions will be provided with an ISSN and an individual DOI for each paper. In addition, the proceedings are archived for an unlimited period of time and can be accessed worldwide with open access at any time. This means that all publications are accessible without financial, legal or technical barriers.